Heart 2

The heart possesses a level of intelligence we are only beginning to understand.

Institute of HeartMath

In this last blog on Leadership I want to focus on perhaps the most important aspect of leadership—heart! Great leaders have their hearts open, and the mind work supporting the heart, rather than the mind leading. This is an important distinction, and it doesn’t mean they are “emoting” all over the place. A great leader can be known for their intellect, wisdom or even objectivity but I guarantee that their heart is a key part of what drives them.

There is exciting information about the heart that adds even more credibility to the importance of the heart in leadership. Research reveals that the heart is more than just a pump; it contains neurons (brain cells) which make up more than 60% of the cells in the heart. What does this mean? It means the heart is a brain! Wow, what a discovery!

So for all of you who have been accused of being too “good-hearted,” or “wearing your heart on your sleeve,” etc., it’s vindication time! Your heart does know things that are important and of great value, and… it’s wise to listen more carefully.

As a side note, the stomach also contains a significant number of brain cells, and people who have “gut” feelings also get a nod from science.

The heart, in addition to being a “brain” emits a very large energy field; the heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body. “This field is 60 times greater in amplitude than the brainwaves recorded in an EEG.”¹ “This electromagnetic field extends 12-15 feet out from the body.”² The energy field from the heart forms what is called a taurus and looks like a doughnut (see image above).

So, consider what’s happening energetically when you’re with someone and having a conversation. The energy fields of your hearts are intermingling… and there is very subtle non-verbal, energetic communication happening—heart to heart. Do you see why it’s so important to be “in your heart” when interacting with someone? A couple of great questions to ask yourself might be, “Are my words and my heart saying the same thing?” “What is the person I’m speaking with really hearing? Are the head/heart signals cancelling one another out?” The head and the heart need to be in alignment—they need to be integrated… think “integrity.”

Ten years ago, when miruspoint was formed, we sought a name and a logo for the company that would really reflect what we stood for. The name miruspoint, came from two concepts: mirus—the root word for miracle/miraculous, and point—representing zero point in quantum physics, the place of all potential.

miruspoint - logo only - no nameFor the logo we wanted something that would reflect the energy of transformation. As we were discussing ideas for the logo, we told the graphic designer about the heart and the taurus—the energy field. The heart energy, we felt, was key to people living authentically and we were thrilled when the graphic designer captured that in our logo. Can you see the heart?

So back to the heart and being open-hearted. How do you open your heart if you are not feeling that way? Here’s something we offer to people in some of our programs, called the Heart Opening Exercise. Feel free to try it on and see how you can step into a more open-hearted space and way of being.

So, Where Have We Been?

In looking back at this series on Leadership, let’s review the key ideas that we’ve covered, and put it all together.

Launching Into Leadership

What is leadership, and what is YOUR definition of leadership? I offered that sustained inspiration is one of the primary elements for me.The leadership challenge was to consider stepping into greater leadership. If blocks or fears arose around this—that was the whole purpose, because if the blocks remain hidden, then so does your potential. The question I asked was, “Are you someone who inspires others? If not, why not start now?”

An Expanded View of Leadership

Next we explored Expanding Our View of Leadership. In this discussion we focused on some of the characteristics of leaders—having a long-range perspective, focusing on “what and why” rather than “how and when,” and so on. We had you rate yourself on the ten characteristics of leadership, and step into expanding at least one of them… how did you do?

Fallacies About Leadership

The third blog focused on Beliefs & Fallacies about leadership. Limiting beliefs often are seamlessly interwoven into how we think and operate, and so unless we intentionally shine the spotlight on them, they remain invisible. Teasing out limiting beliefs is often difficult, but here’s an easy shortcut: Anything (good or beneficial) you stop yourself from doing will have a limiting belief unpinning it. If you are really serious about flushing out some of the things that are stopping you, make as long a list as possible of things you would absolutely love to do, but have not allowed yourself. Then, go looking for your limited thinking (aka beliefs) that lurking in the shadows and holding you back.

And Today…

Finally, we focus on the heart as the engine, the passionate driving force behind good leadership. Without heart, leadership becomes mechanical, and although it may be skillful, it will likely never be inspired. Inspired leadership, with all of it’s imperfections, will always win my vote. Jane Fonda has said, “We are not meant to be perfect, we are meant to be whole.” As we step into leadership, in all its myriad of forms—as parents, friends, partners, teachers… and sojourners through life—and express what matters most to us, we bring light and life to the human experience.

Coming Attractions

In October we’re focusing on Living In and Out of Box—what happens when we limit ourselves and try to control things vs flourishing outside of the “box.” This exploration will include wisdom from three remarkable books: Leadership and Self Deception, The Big Leap, and The Magician’s Way.

In November we will jump into exploring The New Paradigm of Brain Science… and how we are co-creators in how our brain develops and serves us. The key which unlocks the door to the future we want is located squarely between our ears. This is the stuff we once thought to be science-fiction, and believe it or not, we’re living it!

Share, share, share…

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Big thanks go out to everyone who’s responded, either by leaving a comment below, or by contacting me directly. I really appreciate the conversations I’ve had with you, so keep ’em coming!




¹The Energetic Heart Is Unfolding. (2012, October 8). Retrieved September 25, 2014, from http://www.heartmath.org/free-services/articles-of-the-heart/energetic-heart-is-unfolding.html

²Pearce, Joseph Chilton. The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit. Rochester, NY: Park Street Press, 2002, pg 57